




PORTL& is an arts, entertainment, and technology company focused on creating world class immersive arts destinations and events that are eco-friendly, while creating sustainable careers for creators at deserved wages. We do this by capitalizing on the emerging experiential economy and leveraging arts and technology to create one of a kind destinations (art theme parks) for tourists and locals.

There are 3 main pillars to our business model, arts entertainment, community support / education, and merchandise / product creation. PORTL& is solving issues faced in a growing Portland by employing creators to build an economic and culturally valuable venue that will strengthen the creative economy and keep creatives thriving.

Art installation by our own Joe Goodwin

Creating a sustainable Art Theme Park to support the state of Maine

PORTL& Venue

PORTL& funding

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PORTL& Facts
& peers

We're not alone in thinking that creating an immersive art venue (Art Theme Park) is an excellent idea. Portland, Maine is ready for something on this scale, and we're a doing everything we can to make it a reality. Here are some facts about the venue, and some of our peers/mentors we look to for guidance and inspiration.


Currently, we're raising funding to bring the reality of immersive arts entertainment and education to Maine. Our goal is 4 million in seed funding and every penny of it, along with our sweat and effort, will be used in service of creators, community and the future. We believe Maine will benefit immensely from a venue that's known throughout the country and the world as a destination for immersive arts; or as we like to put it, an ART THEME PARK.

Maine's Future

We take educating our future employees seriously. We want to give back to Maine's education. Partner with us.

Venue Goals

  • Profitability
  • Community Building
  • Educational Support
  • Economy Developer
  • Major Tourist Draw

Big Dreams

  • Developing the future of Maine's art and technology, while creating significant economic impact and social impact
  • Create sustainable careers for creators
  • Building & creating amazing experiences for all in the beautiful state of Maine

Projected PORTL& Venue
Portland, ME

  • Size: 30,000 sq/ft
  • Attendance: 350,000/yr
  • Economic: 7 Million project revenue
  • lives impacted, countless.

Peer: MeowWolf
Sante Fe, NM

  • Size: 20,000 sq/ft
  • Attendance: 500,000/yr
  • NM Economic Impact:
    2.7B over the next decade
  • website: 

Peer: Factory Obscura
Oklahoma City, KS

Color Factory

- sq/ft
- customers per year
- 2022 revenue

are you a

Are you a creator that likes to utilize multiple senses? Maybe you enjoy moving your body to sounds that don't make sense to anyone else but you. Maybe you enjoy putting fabrics together and creating garments that are out of this world. Maybe you like getting your hands dirty and creating one of a kind installations.

Whatever that weird thing is that you do, is what makes you awesome, come join us! Show us your magic

Hit us up

are you an investor?

We are looking for an investor who knows the importance for what we’re doing. We want to partner with someone who “gets it.” Is that you? Become a part of Maine’s future with us.

Let's chat